Preparing Your Kid for Secondary School


Highschool brings new obstacles, including a new school, new classmates, and new academic requirements. This post by TigerCampus will help you understand four pillars.

Moving from Elementary to Middle School

Helping your teen succeed in middle school can be difficult because pupils are expected to be more independent. They will also have a teacher rotation each year and must transfer between classes.

As a result of these factors, middle school can be an exciting new chapter in your student’s life. Let’s look at three aspects that can aid them:

  1. Use a planner: Using a planner helps kids be organised and self-sufficient. It can also aid in tracking progress.
  2. Time your homework: Like utilising a planner, scheduling homework time in the afternoon can help children develop study habits and remain on top of their studies.
  3. Create a home study area: Having a designated studying environment at home, in a quiet area, with everything they need to study can help students focus.

Socialization in Middle School

Socialization may be the last thing on your mind when thinking about your child entering middle school, but it is a crucial component of the experience. Middle school skills will help your child flourish socially and academically. Listening to your child’s needs is critical at this period. What type of person are they? Extrovert children flourish in large groups of peers, whereas introverts may thrive in smaller groups. Don’t stress and listen to their friendship needs. Extracurricular activities can help your youngster make like-minded pals. Do your kids like sports? Do they like the arts? Maybe they like science. Choosing extracurricular activities that appeal to them can help children form friendships with others their own age.

Understanding the School’s Expectations

Adapting to new obligations is another approach to support your child. One option is to teach them how to use a planner, which will help them manage their time. Another strategy to help children meet school homework standards is to sit down and plan how to do their tasks. Finally, remind them that their school counsellor and teachers are there to help them. If your child is worried about starting a new school, help them get acquainted with the area. Middle school campuses are not like elementary school campuses, thus many kids struggle to adjust. You may arrange a tour for them so they know what to expect, where to be according to their schedule, and how to get to their classes.

Keep in Touch With Teachers and Counselors

Finally, as a parent, you can help your child transition to middle school by attending parent meetings, volunteering, and generally getting engaged. These can all help you better support your child.

Learn about Tiger Campus customized premium tutoring tailored for your child an also help your kid in transition. Contact us today and schedule for a free trial class for diagnostic or consultation advise.


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