Where Does the Connection Exist Between the Third Grade and Reading Ability?

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There are numerous milestones that children experience throughout their school years, including their very first day of school, their first school dance, graduation, and more! The third grade, on the other hand, is a year that is sometimes overlooked as a significant developmental milestone.


Although it may not appear to be a cause for celebration, the third grade represents a significant change for pupils. This is the year in which the focus of homework shifts from learning to read to learning to read in order to learn. When moving from decoding words using the alphabet and phonics to comprehending fact-filled texts, children can have difficulty with the following skills.


Making improvements to essential reading and comprehension abilities

  • Grades that are below par
  • Attention spans are limited.
  • A lack of self-assurance in the classroom.

According to a recent study, third-graders who do not have solid reading skills are four times more likely to drop out of high school than their peers.

Unfortunately, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, students are having more difficulty with reading and understanding than they have in the past. More information can be found here.



Ignoring poor literacy skills might lead to major learning issues. Fortunately, there are ways to improve reading skills at home. These are fantastic for all ages and are easy to incorporate into your everyday routine!

  1. Plan regular family reading sessions.
  2. Engagement is key. Find books that your youngster enjoys. Students are more engaged in information when they feel linked to it. Teenagers need to believe their coursework is important to their life and the world.
  3. Classify strong readers. Peers teach children the most.
  4. Focus on phonics, word recognition, and syllables.
  5. Take a look at this blog post about boosting reading comprehension.



Let us assist your child gain confidence and motivation! Our skilled tutors help your child develop critical thinking, learning, reading, and writing skills. There’s still time! Make an appointment today!


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