Learning a Second Language in Malaysia Is Essential


English has unavoidably become Malaysia’s second language due to its widespread use. No matter their native language, English is widely spoken in Malaysia.

A student has little or no prior knowledge of a foreign language. A second language is one that is not one’s native tongue and is not as fluent as one’s native one. Some students may have more than one “best” or “first” language, particularly if they grew up in a multilingual environment. As a result, a second language is one that they have not previously mastered at the first language level.

There are numerous other advantages of learning a second language! Other advantages of learning a second language include enhanced problem-solving, reasoning, and creative thinking abilities.


Spanish, English, French, German, or any other second language—when kids acquire a second language, they increase their first-language skills as well as their overall literacy skills! While students intuitively learn their native language, acquiring a second language increases their comprehension of grammar, syntax, and other language structures of their native language.

“Talking to a man in a language he knows gets to his head,” said Nelson Mandela. Talking to him in his own language touches his heart.” Learning a new language not only helps one grasp a culture’s thoughts and values, but it also shows respect for another’s culture and way of thinking.


According to studies, students who learn a second language outperform their monolingual colleagues on standardised tests. In the United States, pupils who learned a second language performed higher on the ACT in English and math, as well as on the SAT verbal section. In the PISA reading testing, French immersion pupils outperform non-immersion students in Canada.


According to research, kids who acquire a second language do better in the executive function area of the brain. This is the portion of the brain that can ignore distractions in order to concentrate on one thing while ignoring another. It also enables us to change between tasks. Bilingual pupils’ brains grow skilled at switching between tasks and filtering out information when they mentally flip between languages.


Learning a new language is a difficult task for students of any age. Second language learning is a complex system that necessitates a great deal of practice. Students’ brains acquire greater problem-solving and recall skills, among other things, as they work on finding out the rules. The brainpower increase can have long-term benefits, and it is especially beneficial for elderly.

“The bounds of my language mean the boundaries of my world,” philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein remarked. According to the research, learning a second language enriches and broadens one’s ‘world,’ whether it is the mental world of thoughts, the social world of understanding ideas and people different from oneself, or the physical world of travel and work.

There is no doubt that your child is capable of far more, but they may need some extra support to feel secure in their academic talents. Tiger Campus is a great place to learn about education and share information about one’s own academic journey. We can help children with a wide range of languages and other subjects! Free trial classes are offered by tutoring consultants who may help you discover the advantages of one-on-one or group tutoring.



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